Thursday, September 1, 2011

Javascript Drop Down Menu Fun

Today I used a javascript drop down menu in a different way than I have before. It is viewable by clicking CHECKOUT in the upper right on  The drop down I use is an awesome, flexible, free script that you can find HERE.Usually this menu will contain 2 or more text links, with a background rollover color, or a text rollover color, but I have adjusted the styles so that it appears more like a "pop up message" or "tooltip" than a menu of links. This required a combination of working with the style sheet specifically for the drop down AND using some inline styles in one of the .js files.

In the future, if I need to get this same effect I will try to lookup a tooltip type script, but for this specific application I had to use something I was familiar with and expand on it to meet my needs. Overall I am pretty happy with the results.