Monday, April 23, 2012

Backing Up Your Service Pages

The "website admin system" is our proprietary content management system which allows site owners to easily edit text on the main text areas of the home page, about us page, and service pages of your site.*

Changes made to text areas via the admin are permanent, as there is not a way to use the admin system to go “back” to what content was on the page previous to saving any edits you make. Because of this it is a good idea to make a backup copy of a the text content for a page, and store it on your local machine before editing.
( NOTE: The following instructions will use illustrations from our newest iteration
of the website admin, but the instructions are the same for all verions. )

The process for backing up a page is easy.

1. Begin by loggin in to the main admin page using the username and password for your site. Most sites have a link to the admin in the footer of the site. If you site does not, please call us and we'll give you the specific URL for the admin for your site.

2. Once you are logged in, click the navigation tab at the top of the page that says "Manage Pages".

3. The list of service pages for your website will open. Find the page that you want to edit in the list of pages and hit the "edit" link to the right of the page name.

4. The editing page for that particular service will open. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the tab that says "HTML".
When you click the "HTML" tab, you will notice that you can now see all of the content in the page as well as the HTML tags that create the formatting.


5. Next, use your cursor to select ALL of the HTML code.

6. Once ALL of the HTML code has been selected, place your cursor over the highlighted section and right click > COPY. The HTML code is now stored in your clipboard.

7. Open a blank text file or microsoft word file, then right click and PASTE the code onto the page. Once the code has been pasted, SAVE the file make sure to give it a file name that matches the name of the service page on your website.

You should now have a text file backup copy of the HTML code from the service page you want to edit.  Keep this stored on your local computer.

In the event that you ever want to put the page back to the original state it was in before you began editing in in the website admin, you can simply copy all of the HTML code from the text file and paste it back into the admin (making sure you are in HTML view when you do so), then hitting the "SUBMIT CHANGES" button.

It is recommended that you make a backup each previous to any instance of making major changes to a page.

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