Thursday, March 21, 2019

Hey Guess What I'm Still Here!

Hi Everyone,

It's been a long time since my last post and a lot of things have changed. Let me quickly bring you up to speed.

As of June 2017 I am no longer working at I was not fired and I did not quit. Circumstances happened that made the company no longer have the income to afford an employee, so we parted ways. It stunk to lose stable employment but I will say it was a good run and I left on good terms with the owner.

So, what have I been doing since then? First I took some time to try to figure out my next move. During that span of time, some clients that I had built relationships with over the 9 years I was at LandscaperWebsites contacted me directly and asked for some help with their websites. Since I still had access to the servers their sites are on, I was able to do a few jobs for them. It was during these jobs that I decided to try my hand at doing freelance web development, site maintenance, and some seo work. We can talk later about why it's only some seo work.

At the moment I am still kicking along doing freelance sites, consulting and general web related work, mostly with the landscaper and pest control industries. If you're interested you can view more about my website offerings at Give me a shout via the contact page if you need an affordable, practical, inexpensive site for your upstart business.

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